

Visualize for the Pleasure of Visualizing

Visualize for the Pleasure of Visualizing

68 Seconds of Pure Thoughts by Abraham Hicks

Pure Thought -Visualization

People will say to us, I can't just quit my job and go sit on a beach and meditate or I can't stop doing what I'm doing and just imagine. I have children to feed or dishes to wash or  things to do.

And we say, we are not encouraging you to stop the action part of your life. We are encouraging that you act just a little bit less and that you envision just a little bit more. What we would like to say to you is there is power in lining up energy, the likes of which in your action orientation you don't really know.

When you find a thought and you hold that thought purely, for as little as 17 seconds..Now there is lot of power in the word "pure" because pure means a not contradicted thought. When you find a thought of something wanted and you hold that purely by imagining it, pretending it, remembering something like it, using it. When you hold that thought for as little as 17 seconds, another thought of the same vibrational equivalent because of law of attraction joins it. And when those two thoughts come together there is an explosion of energy.

So, in order to give an idea of the power of a thought, we would say to you that when that first 17 seconds joins, there is an energy expansion that is equivalent to 2,000 action hours. That's huge.....

When you cross the next 17 seconds mark, the expression of energy is 10 times the first. 20, 000 action hours, just by walking across that next mark. When you hold it for third sequence of  17 seconds, another 10 times. Each time there is another 17 seconds of non contradiction, the thought catapults into a whole new level. So, the 68 seconds of pure thought has huge action consequences. You see, that's why one who's connected to source is many many time more powerful than the one who's not. Because there is no self defeating that is going on.. you see.

Sometimes, our friends say here I stand. Well.. this is where I would rather stand. Then they say, ohh.. Abraham has given us a process so that we can get from here to over here. I m going to offer this visualization to get from here to over here. And what happens is as you are offering any process to get from here to here, what happens is you are vibrating in both places. So, you can't move from where you are. Nothing changes for you. So, you can make much faster progress if you say, I am offering this visualization not to get from here to over here but for the pleasure of visualization.

When you go to a movie, you don't say to your friends I am going to this movies because it's about thing I want to live and I think if I go watch the movie I'll vibrate like the movie is vibrating and then the  universe will yield to me.Although that is not a bad way of approaching the movie. But you don't go to the movie with that intention. You go to the movie for entertainment, you go to the movie for distraction.

And that's the way we want you to begin going to the visualization. Don't visualize to make something happen. Visualize for the pleasure of visualizing.

You are just wanting to use any excuse in the world to just let it let it in, to let it in... The universe knows what you want. You just got to let it in!


Breathing Exercise: How It Can Increase Your Brain Power

Breathing Exercise: How It Can Increase Your Brain Power

Professor Dr. Robert Rivera, Calefornea, USA, perfomed IQ test on his students.
He found that their average IQ was 10 point. Then, he taught them breathing exercise, Pranayama. After doing this Pranayama, breathing exercise, he again performed IQ test on his students. Amazingly, all of the students brain power was increased by twice.

Pranayama increases the circulation of blood in brain resulting in increase supply of oxygen. Glucose is the main source of energy for the brain. But when brain cannot make use of it, ADD/ADHD kicks in and drives the person to suicidal tendencies.

But when brain receives enough oxygen with the help of pranayama, breathing exercise, it uses glucose to convert into energy and brainfuction is increased. With the regular breathing exercise, one increase his/her brain power significantly.

Pranayama, breathing exercise activates both left and right brain. With this a person experiences increased in originality/uniqueness and creativity. In absence of both of this, any education system is not beneficial.